cOmMunItieS oF pRactiCe

oPtImiSe yoUr

PeeR tO pEer cOnneCtiOns


As outlined at Digital Isle 2023, we have recognised that there is a need to support communities of shared interests to come together. From this, we invite you to provide your views on the development of Communities of Practice across our Programmes. These communities will have a focus on sharing knowledge about new trends, risks and issues and opportunities. 

What to expect in 2024  

Throughout 2024, Digital Isle of Man will actively support these communities by: 

  • Facilitating at least one event every week in collaboration with community leaders
  • Finding venues, organising speakers, and promoting events
  • Empowering communities with the resources needed for success.

CallInG all cHamPionS

On Thursday 9 May 2024, Bernd Petak, Digital Isle of Man Board Member and Managing Director of Make IT Global, hosted a presentation titled 'Calling all Champions', where he delved into the benefits of Championing a Community of Practice, including:

  • Running a CoP: drawing on his past experience, Bernd will guide potential community leaders through the essentials of setting up and managing a CoP, and the benefits of doing so.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Discover how CoPs facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange among industry professionals.
  • Visibility and Recognition: Learn how active participation in CoPs can enhance your professional profile.
  • Fresh Perspectives: Gain insights from diverse experiences within the tech sector.

If you missed the event, you can watch the full recording of the session via the button below!

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We're on the lookout for passionate individuals to lead as Champions and play a pivotal role in establishing Communities of Practice! Becoming a CoP Champion empowers individuals to establish and lead independent communities with the support and guidance from Digital Isle of Man.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, we are keen to engage with individuals who have a passion and interest in a specific area and are able to guide others with technical proficiency and understanding of their business domain (eg. Finance, Marketing, Operations, Crypto, Video Games & Esports, Safer Gaming etc)

Your ideas matter! We welcome all suggestions for potential CoP groups – from the conventional to the outlandish.

Contact Events & Communities Manager, Annie Macleod, to bring your vision to life.  

E ‎ ‎ T +44 (0)1624 686835

unLocKing PotEntIal

In January 2024, Digital Isle of Man Board Member and Managing Director of Make IT Global – Bernd Petak – gave an enlightening talk titled ‘Unlocking Potential: Harnessing the Power of Communities of Practice for Growth and Collaboration'.

Bernd explored how the Isle of Man’s tech sector can work together to establish supportive communities that drive sector success, and expanded on themes discussed at Digital Isle 2023. As well as exploring how communities of shared interests can come together and exchange insights and knowledge on emerging trends, he also outlined how the audience could benefit from participating.

You can view the slides from Bernd’s presentation here, and read the full article about the event here.

Digital Isle of Man, St Georges Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EX

+44 (0) 1624 686400