Financial Assistance Scheme

The Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) provides a range of grants and soft loan support for new start up businesses, local businesses looking to expand and businesses looking to relocate to the Isle of Man

The Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) provides a range of grants and soft loan support for:

  • New start up businesses
  • Isle of Man businesses looking to expand
  • Businesses relocating to the Isle of Man


  • Discretionary scheme, which offers a generous package of support
  • Up to 40% funding towards capital and operating items
  • Covers a range of items, including building expenditure,
    plant and machinery and rent
  • Multiple applications are possible as your business grows
  • Quick approvals; generally under 40 working days
  • Also includes an Employee Relocation Incentive of up to £10,000


Grant levels vary per sector (see Financial Assistance Scheme Guidelines) with up to 40% grant support available towards:

  • Building - New buildings, extensions and refurbishments
  • Plant & machinery - Includes offices equipment
  • Marketing activity - Must be off-island, attendance at exhibitions, material design, visiting potential new clients
  • First year expenses – Setup costs, legal fees, on-Island hosting fees, relocation costs other professional fees (Not IOM Government)
  • Rent - First year rent costs (100% available for 12 months if outside Douglas and within certain town boundaries)
  • Training – Up to 40% of special training costs directly associated with purchased plant and equipment
  • Energy Efficiency - Assistance with costs of implementing a project recommended by Business Support Scheme e.g. where capital investment is required or where energy savings are clearly identifiable
  • Waste Efficiency - Projects that improve the quality or reduce the volume of waste produced
  • Employee Relocation - Grant designed to encourage job growth and the import of skills in certain sectors. Paid retrospectively to the applicant business, the grant is based on the calculation of 20% of the net salary paid to an eligible employee following their first year of employment on the Island, and is capped at up to £10,000. Learn more about the ERI here.


The Department for Enterprise may provide assistance to an eligible business where, in its opinion, the eligible business undertakes, or will undertake, an economic activity in the Island; the assistance is likely to encourage sustainable economic growth in the Island; and the form and amount of the assistance is reasonable having regard to all the circumstances. Please refer to the Financial Assistance Scheme Guidelines for further information.

Please note: Only one grant may be applied for per project and only one application per 12 month period will be permitted. Grant assistance cannot be considered retrospectively for items of expenditure which have already been purchased.


  • Secondary sectors (including service industries e.g. cafés, construction, bars, restaurants, coffee shops, hairdressers and retail - other than for Employee Relocation Incentives which are available for these sectors for specified roles.)
  • Self catering & B&B accommodation 

No government debts (NI/Tax/VAT/etc)

FAS Guidelines
FAS Application Form
FAS Payment Claim Form
Latest Statistics - 01 March 2025

Want to confirm your eligibility?

Complete our business enquiry form to confirm your eligibility and find out more about the support available.

Looking for more?

The Department for Enterprise offers a range of funding and support schemes for businesses and self-employed individuals in the Isle of Man. You'll find a full list by clicking below.