TT Hospitality & Retail Staffing Incentive Scheme

The aim of the Scheme is to provide grant assistance to help employers in the hospitality and retail sectors to incentivise staff to work additional hours and attract new staff to their workforce during the 2024 TT.

The TT Hospitality and Retail Staffing Incentive Scheme (HRSIS) has now closed for new applications. The team are working through the submitted applications. All claim forms and associated information must be submitted, and any issues with them resolved, before Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 5:30pm when the Scheme closes.
The deadline to submit forms and associated information has been extended until 5:30pm on 7 August 2024.

The purpose of the support is to incentivise new or existing staff members to work in the hospitality and retail businesses during the TT period.

Key Features

The business can reclaim £50 per staff member for every 10 hours worked in excess of 37 hours per week, regardless if the employee works in the business for 37 per week or has a job elsewhere. The support is capped at £100 per week and £200 in total per qualifying employee.

The support offered is only applicable to hours worked in excess of 37 hours per week during the qualifying two weeks period of Monday 27 May to Sunday 9 June.

Please note:

If the employee normally works less than or equal to 37 hours per week, then they must reach 47 hours in total to be eligible for support.

If the employee normally works more than 37 hours per week, then the employee will have to work at least an additional 10 hours in the applying business in order to be eligible.

For example, an employee whose normal working hours are 45 hours per week in the applying business and works an extra 10 hours in week 1 of TT in the applying business, 10 hours would be eligible support. Therefore, the business could claim £50 from the Department.


Please note: additional hours in multiples of 10 can only be applied for. Rounding will not apply.

Qualifying hours can be worked in the applying business or with another employer.

The applicant can determine how this payment is passed onto the staff member, this grant should be passed on in full to the employee and should not be used as wages (in full or part). The grant is repayable if it is not passed onto  the worker.

Applications closed on Sunday 30 June 2024 at 23:59. 

Eligible businesses

The following meet the requirement of an eligible business:


Eligible sectors

The intention of the Scheme is to only support businesses in the following two sectors: -

  • Hospitality; and
  • Retail (excluding any retailer that is liable to pay or will be liable to pay income tax at a 15% rate under the large retailer’s tax for the 2024/25 income tax year).

The hospitality and retail sectors are defined as including but not limited to the following: -

  • Bars;
  • Cafes;
  • Clubs;
  • Pubs;
  • Restaurants;
  • Shops; and
  • Takeaways.


Excluded sectors and business types

Excluded sectors are any business which falls into the below sectors: -

  • All those sectors which are not hospitality or retail;
  • Those applicants who are either self-employed and sole traders;
  • Any business that receives a significant amount of its income from Isle of Man Government in any way and including payments for underwritten events;
  • Any constituent entity of a MNE group under the Income Tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Regulations 2017 (total consolidated group revenue of 750 million Euros or more).


Important note – Applicants will be required to supply future information such as review questionnaires, employee numbers and other relevant information and financial information upon the request of the Department. I understand that the information submitted will be checked by the Department and I agree that I may be contacted to provide additional information and the failure to supply this information may result in my application being declined.


If you have already applied for the Scheme, please do not apply more than once. If you have any questions regarding your submitted application, wish to change it or supply additional information etc, please call the team on 687333.

Scheme Guidance

Want to confirm your eligibility?

Complete our business enquiry form to confirm your eligibility and find out more about the support available.

Looking for more?

The Department for Enterprise offers a range of funding and support schemes for businesses and self-employed individuals in the Isle of Man. You'll find a full list by clicking below.