16 October 2024

Earlier this year, Digital Isle of Man (DIOM) engaged with stakeholders across the digital sector to gather input for the development of a new Infrastructure Strategy. A key issue raised by stakeholders has been addressed through immediate tactical actions, along with a commitment to integrate long-term solutions into the upcoming strategy.

One of the significant challenges highlighted was the limited accessibility of certain global platforms, such as Google, for businesses and residents based in the Isle of Man. This creates hurdles for doing business locally and diminishes the Isle of Man’s attractiveness to digital enterprises.

A specific issue that surfaced was the difficulty faced by Isle of Man developers when attempting to publish their apps on Google. Google’s verification process recognises the UK and the Isle of Man as separate countries. While this is technically accurate, it has led to the rejection of applications from businesses based on the island. Without a UK subsidiary to submit company details, developers were previously unable to create a Google Developer Account.

As part of our strategy, DIOM will introduce a pillar focused on Compatibility—ensuring that people and businesses in the Isle of Man have the same access to digital products, services and commercialisation opportunities as those in the UK and globally.

While this is a significant undertaking, DIOM has already made progress. We have collaborated with the Isle of Man Cabinet Office and External Affairs to bring the issue to the attention of the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Ministry of Justice, which holds responsibility for Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories.

We are pleased to report that Google has been receptive to our efforts, and a resolution has been reached for app developers. Isle of Man developers can now successfully submit their apps to Google by selecting the UK as their country during the verification process.

Looking forward, DIOM remains committed to addressing other Google-related challenges, including access to commercial features such as YouTube monetisation, AdSense, Google TV and paid UK apps. Ongoing work will ensure Isle of Man businesses can fully utilise these platforms, enhancing the island’s digital landscape and global competitiveness.