tEleCoMs & inFrAstrUctuRe

enJoY moRe BandWidtH fOr LivInG

The Island’s diverse economy requires a supportive infrastructure. Digital businesses on the Isle of Man are supported through a range of services, including both physical and virtual infrastructure.

One of the Isle of Man’s key strengths is its world-class telecommunications infrastructure. The Island has an advanced and diverse telecommunications network providing fixed-line voice and broadband services and two 4G mobile networks. The Island's National Telecoms Strategy was released in October 2018, with a vision that the Isle of Man will be recognised as being at the forefront of telecoms innovation.

Carrier class connectivity to and from the Isle of Man is provided via five discrete fibre cables which allow the creation of high bandwidth fibre optic rings connecting the Island with the North of England and Ireland. These links can employ ‘self-healing’ technology which guarantees that if a fault occurs at any part of the link, voice and data traffic is seamlessly re-routed in the other direction. Similar resilient ring technology is also used for the Island’s internal delivery networks.

  • 99% 4G and 75% 4G+ coverage
  • 5 x Subsea cables
  • 6 x Tier 3, ISO accredited Data Centres

The Island has the capability to generate up to 200% of its peak electricity demand from a combination of sources including gas and renewable sources such as a hydro electric plant. On average the island exports 20-25% of the energy that it generates to the UK via a sub-sea cable.

  • 4 x Power stations
  • 102 kilometres of subsea cable
  • 20 kilometres of high pressure gas pipeline

The Isle of Man has air links with many major airports situated in the UK, Channel Islands, Ireland and further afield along with sea links to the UK and Ireland. Most airlines operate daily flights to the Island, some taking as little as 40 minutes. Whilst via sea, both fast craft and conventional ferry services are offered.

The Island offers complete critical and resilient infrastructure with access to Regulators, key stakeholders and Government. 

DisaSteR reCovErY

When your business is online, you need it to stay online no matter what’s going on in the physical or technical environment.

A well prepared operator will have a contingency plan should a disaster strike in their primary jurisdiction. The main points to consider when preparing a disaster recovery plan are the infrastructure, the power, the connectivity, the speed and ease of activating your DR and the regulations of your chosen jurisdiction.

The Isle of Man places a big tick in all these boxes, providing a resilient and reliable environment in which to host. With legislation in place that allows temporary operation under the terms of your home jurisdiction for up to 90 days, with milestone permissions required every 30 days, you will not need to pay additional licensing fees by invoking your DR servers based here.

Hosting your disaster recovery in the Isle of Man as part of your business continuity plan prevents disruption to your customers and potential loss of profit as well as a whole host of benefits including:

  • A world-class power network and telecoms infrastructure, including six top-tier datacentres.
  • The Island is geographically safe, free from natural disasters and away from fault lines.
  • It is physically safe, far from conflict zones, with some of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
  • We are a stable, self-governing jurisdiction with a strong economy and supportive Government.
  • We have a strong community of professional service providers with expertise in eGaming, blockchain, and emerging technologies.

Basing your disaster recovery provision in the Isle of Man will ensure you are receiving a service fully supported by a jurisdiction which specialises in online gambling.

Disaster recovery planning and preparation can be your lifeline to retaining your customers and staying in business!

The Isle of Man boasts five data centre providers:

Digital Isle of Man, St Georges Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EX

+44 (0) 1624 686400